Privacy Notice For Children

At Aardman, we don’t usually ask you for personal details, but we might do sometimes.
Here, we explain why we might ask for your details, and how we use them.
When do we collect your details?
When you take part in an activity on the site and we’d like to know who you are – like entering a competition.
We might ask for your name, your date of birth, your contact details, details about your parent or guardian, and which country you are from.
What do we do with your details?
We do our best to keep the details we have about you private and safe, and we stick to what the law says about using information about people.
We will only use your details for the purposes for which you gave them to us – such as running a competition you’ve entered.
We won’t use your details in a way that you can be identified or for promoting anything to you, unless you’ve said we can.
And we only use your details with your permission – or in a way that is considered fair by the law.
Do we share your details with anyone else?
Not usually.
We might let others know if you win a competition, for example. Or we might share your details:
- with someone who is helping us run an activity you’re taking part in,
- if you tell us we can,
- if we think that doing so would protect you from harm, or
- if the law says we should (such to prevent a crime).
But we generally keep your details to ourselves.
How long do we keep your details?
Only for as long as we need to use them, or are required to keep them by law.
What are your rights?
You can always ask us for a copy of the details we have about you, or to update or delete them.
We explain your rights about your personal information in more detail in our privacy policy.
How can you find out more?
This is a simplified summary of our full privacy policy, where you can find out more.
You can also get in touch at any time by emailing us at